Luca is a 2021 American film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. This film is known as one of the best animations of the year. Definitely, you can find more about it by googling it.

I had a lot of fun watching this and would strongly advise you to do so because you can review some concepts like friendship, following your dreams, courage, attempting to achieve a goal, sacrifice, and others like these while watching a high-quality animation full of attractive landscapes with stunning details, special design of faces as well as shading and attention to the native architecture of Italy.

However, the fact that I wish to share my unfamiliar word list with their definitions is what motivates me to write this post. So, if you opt to watch it in its original language, without subtitles or with English subtitles, you may use this list to quickly figure out what the phrases imply.

  1. fish : (as a verb) to try to catch fish
  2. what if … ? : used to ask what you should do or what the result will be if something happens, especially something unpleasant
  3. belive in somebody/something : to be sure that someone or something exist
  4. more lik : nearer to what is required or expected; more satisfactory
  5. horrifying : exteremely bad; especially in a way that is frightening or upsetting
  6. barn : a large farm building for storing crops, or for keeping animals in
  7. run off : to leave a place or person in a way that people disapprove of
  8. head out : to leave some place
  9. all clear : a signal that tell you that a dangerous situation has ended
  10. huh?
    • used to show that you have not heared or understand a question
    • used at the end of a question, often to ask for agreement
    • used to show disagreement or suprise, or to show that you don’t find something impressive
  11. sweaty : covered or wet with sweat
  12. pinchy-pessa : ?
  13. molting : (of an animal) shed old features, hair, or skin to make way for a new growth
  14. magnificent : very good or beautiful, or very impressive
  15. crab : a see animal with a hard shell, five legs on each side, and two large claws
  16. shut it down : to end a situation of your making beacause it has gotten out of control
  17. get caught : to become unexpectedly involved in an unpleasant or annoying situation
  18. contemplate : to think about something that you might do in the future
  19. I’m full : I’m good
  20. harpoon : a weapon used for hunting whales
  21. not supposed to : someone or something is not meant to do something
  22. in charge of something : the position of having control or responsibility for a group of people or an activity
  23. phantom : the image of a dead person or strange thing that someone thinks they see; ghost
  24. pile : a group of several things of the same type that are put on top of each other
  25. fins : one of the thin body parts that a fish uses to swim
  26. belly : your stomach
  27. stinkin’ world : ?
  28. cucumbers : a long thin round vegetable with a dark green skin and a light green inside, usually eaten raw
  29. ramp : a slope that has been built to connect two places that are at different levels
  30. sleep on : to wait before making a decision
  31. Silenzio : (Italian) keep quiet!
  32. Andiamo : (Italian) let’s go
  33. anchovy : a very small fish that tastes strongly of salt
  34. sneak off : To leave a place, or a meeting, without being seen or heard.
  35. carcass : the dead body of an animal
  36. track down somebody : If you track down someone or something, you find them, or find information about them, after a difficult or long search
  37. breeze : a gentle wind
  38. Mannagia : (Italian) damned
  39. revving : if you rev an engin, or if an engine revs, you make it work faster
  40. Ciao : used to say goodbye, see you later
  41. belle : a beautiful girl or woman
  42. blech : an imitation of the sound of gagging, used to express disgust or disdain
  43. blush : to become red in the face, usually because you are embarrased
  44. piccolina : (Italian) little one
  45. scratch : score or mark the surface of something with a sharp or pointed object
  46. delighted : feeling or showing great pleasure
  47. pescheria : fishmonger; a shop that sells mainly fish
  48. make it up to someone :  to do something good for someone you have upset, in order to become friends with them again
  49. basta : (Italian word) enough
  50. reign : hold royal office; rule as king or queen
  51. hop on : an informal way of saying to jump onto something or to join something quickly
  52. harbor : an area of water next to the land where the water is calm, so that ships are safe when they are inside it
  53. sto imbecille : (Italian phrase) I’m an idiot
  54. underdogs : a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest
  55. soldi : (Italian word) money
  56. epic : a book, poem, or film that tels a long story about brave actions and exciting events
  57. grueling : extremely tiring and demanding
  58. triathlon : an athletic contest consisting of three different events, typically swimming, cycling, and long-distance running
  59. Grazie : thanks
  60. arrivederci : see you again
  61. Santa Mozzarella : Holy Mozzarella; Goodness gracious : A mild exclamation of surprise, alarm, dismay, annoyance, or exasperation
  62. dodge : avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement
  63. obstacles : a thing that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress
  64. withstand : remain undamaged or unaffected by; resist
  65. aggressive : ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.
  66. verbal : relating to or in the form of words
  67. assault : make a physical attack on
  68. fiendishly :  very evil or cruel
  69. terrain : land
  70. runaways : a person who has run away, especially from their family or an institution
  71. ragazzi : (Italian word) boy
  72. hai visto il giornale today? : (Italian sentence) have you seen the newspaper today?
  73. slipped : (of a flower or leaf) depicted with a stalk
  74. phew! : expressing a strong reaction of relief
  75. per favore : (Italian word) please
  76. what got into him :  (spoken) used to say that somebody has suddenly started to behave in a strange or different way
  77. hideout : a hiding place
  78. all of a sudden : suddenly
  79. lunatic : a mentally ill person
  80. scared the scales off of me : ?
  81. a little on edge : nervous, and unable to relax
  82. buongiorno : good morning
  83. keep an eye out : to watch carefully for something
  84. count on someone : to depend on someone to do what you want or expect them to do for you
  85. peeled eyse : whatch very carefully
  86. joyride : a ride for enjoyment in a vehicle or aircraft
  87. goofing around : to spend time doing silly or playful things
  88. graveyard : cemetery
  89. benessimo : (Italian word) well
  90. step up : add
  91. fooling : trick or deceive
  92. slayer : someone who kills a person or animal in a violent way
  93. purveyor : a person who sells or deals in particular goods
  94. treacherous : guilty of or involving betrayal or deception
  95. bay : a broad inlet of the sea where the land curves inward.
  96. devour : eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly
  97. bowl : a round, deep dish or basin used for food or liquid
  98. vagrants : a person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging
  99. injustice : lack of fairness or justice
  100. whiskers : a long projecting hair or bristle growing from the face or snout of many mammals
  101. dunk :  to quickly put something into a liquid and take it out again, especially something you are eating
  102. wool : the soft thick hair that sheep and some goats have on their body
  103. contempt : the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn
  104. raging : very great and hard to control
  105. literally : according to the most basic or original meaning of a word or expression
  106. flames : hot bright burning gas that you see when something is on fire
  107. steeper : a road, hill etc that is steep slopes at a high angle
  108. downhill : towards the bottom of a hill or towards lower land
  109. afford : to provide something or allow something to happen
  110. sighting : an occasion on which something is seen, especially something rare of something that people are hoping to see
  111. pathetic : something or someone that is pathetic is so useless, unsuccessful, or weak that they annoy you
  112. feast your eyes on something or somebody : to look at someone or something with great enjoyment
  113. stick around : to stay in a place a little longer, waiting for something to happen
  114. cliff : a large area of rock or a mountain with a very steep side, often at the edge of the sea or a river
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